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BT and Apple Events

We regularly run Apple events covering all kinds of topics in various locations, from online to museums. Take a look at some of our events below.

We don't have any upcoming live events scheduled right now. Why not watch one of our previous event recordings below?

Previous Apple webinars

Grab a cuppa and follow along with a recorded version of a previous webinar. Run by Apple Distinguished Educators, each webinar lasts around an hour and can give you a great insight into how using Apple could benefit your school. Check out the topics below.

Find out more about our hands-on and interactive Apple webinars

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Take a look at our previous Apple events

We regularly run free education events for Headteachers, Senior Leaders and Teachers that offer training and advice on using the Apple eco system in your school. Our events count towards your CPD hours and we've received great feedback from staff that have attended.

We like to make our events as interactive and hands on as possible, including using our demo class of iPads in exciting locations like
museums and concert halls.

Take a look below at the videos from our previous events.

Spanish city

We visited Spanish City in North Tyneside. We explored the fantastic venue using the iPads, showing attendees how to incorporate the iPad into the classroom and how hands-on learning can really benefit their pupils.

Beamish Museum

Teachers and Headteachers attended the museum and used the iPads to create videos and photos. Our Apple Education Specialists shown how you can use iPad to enhance lessons including accessibility features for SEND pupils.

BT Tower

Local educators visited BT Tower to find out some useful tips and tricks to using iPad in the classroom. Our Apple Experts explored Showbie and Book creator to show how to manage work and multiple users at once.

If you'd like to hear about our next events, please complete the form below

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