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Is your school or college’s internet ready to support your digital transformation?

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Book a free consultation1 with our education connectivity experts to assess whether your current internet provision is right-sized to meet your technology needs. Now and for the future.

Our friendly education connectivity experts are here to support you

Via a phone or video call, we’ll help you assess whether your current internet provision is right-sized to meet the technology needs of your school or college. Both now, and for your future digital transformation plans. And if your plans include cloud technologies or using 1-to-1 devices, this is something you'll definitely want to look at.

Modern teaching and learning needs the most reliable internet connectivity

As the number of students and teachers using cloud-connected devices grows, so do the demands on your school or college’s internet connection. Cloud technologies can be transformational. Not just for teaching and learning, but for streamlining operations and saving money too. Technology is empowering, but it can only ever be as good as your internet connectivity.

Request your session with an education specialist now

Our advice is completely free and without obligation. Fill in the form below and we'll get right back to you to agree a convenient time and date.

*We'll do our best to arrange the session around you

Can we keep in touch?

BT has a dedicated education practice entirely focused on supporting schools and colleges like you. From time to time, we'd like to send you relevant updates by email about how to get the best from technology to support education.

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